Customer Testimonials

Just love the Tack Shack and what all you guys do for the horse world and the friendly/knowledgeable staff that helps us and is extremely patient with us finicky customers.

Deborah Beauman

Bought a saddle online, sight unseen but it was such an easy process and the lady I was working with via email made me so comfortable ordering a saddle online. Anytime we are shopping for a new saddle we check back here either online or I just email her before going anywhere else!!

Julie Breckenridge

Ordered a sales halter on Saturday with a name plate. It arrived today and it’s perfect! Very happy with the quality of the leather. Cannot believe how fast it was shipped and what a great price for such good quality. Will definitely be shopping here again.

Hannah Clites

Amazing halters! Great quality and affordable pricing for the quality. My go to place for nice leather halters, whether for me or gifts.

Stephanie Mills

The big horsey yard sale is coming soon! This place is like Nirvana for horse people!!! It’s every horse catalog I get in the mail rolled into 2 giant warehouse size stores in real like!!!!!

Melissa Lacey

Made my first purchase with Tack Shack of Ocala online and have been super pleased – good communication, quick shipping (even with a custom order), and great follow up when I had questions. Will definitely be placing future orders

Leah Strid
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